Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How long after a person has died does he stay on Earth to give a message? The common belief among people in the Philippines is that the dead stay on the Earth plane for only 40 days and after that, ascend to the higher planes. It is during this period that they can still communicate with the living to impart important messages. It is not known where such a belief in the 40-day period originated. It is possible it originated from ancient Egypt. According to what I have read in one book, it took 40 days for the dead to be mummified. Or maybe it originated from Christian Biblical stories. The number 40 is of significance in the Bible. The great flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights, Jesu...

Keep on reading: Long-dead Egyptian scribe sends message
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December 01, 2021 No comments » by Any Ideas Are Welcome
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