Saturday, December 4, 2021

Some filmmakers are fussy, while others are eccentric. Seasoned Actor (SA) however feels those types are a lot better than an indecisive one. While SA is known for his chill and laid-back demeanor, his patience was recently tested by Quirky Director's (QD) inability to articulate her ideas for a scene in a high-profile project. QD would often give instructions that are as vague as the movies in her filmography. But SA lost his cool when QD would instruct one thing and expect another. Confused? Well, so are her actors. Let's hope QD eventually gets her act together ... before she alienates many more actors! TOP OF THE TABLOIDS This week's top show biz news from the tabloids (and why ...

Keep on reading: Actor blows top over director’s indecisiveness
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December 04, 2021 No comments » by Any Ideas Are Welcome
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